Limb Lengthening by Precice 2

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Limb Lengthening by Precice 2

Limb Lengthening by Precice 2Lengthening is performed by remote control method by placing a magnetic nail into the bone. It is a comfortable system for limb lengthening and nothing is visible from the outside. The procedure, performed with small incisions, results in minimal surgical scars and pleases patients with aesthetic concerns.
The risk of infection is lower. It doesn’t require dressing after the 10th day. While the lengthening is 0.25 mm 4 times a day in the combined method, it is 0.33 mm 3 times a day in the precice method. Its disadvantage is that it is more costly and requires the use of a wheelchair during the treatment period, as it doesn’t guarantee full weight bearing of the body.
After the lengthening process is completed and the newly formed bone is completely fused, the nail can be removed optionally.
What are the advantages of Precice 2 Intramedullary Limb Lengthening Technique?
Since there is no device attached externally to the legs, there is less chance of infection.
Pain and discomfort are less than the combined method.
It is more advantageous in terms of aesthetics, as there is no external device and there are fewer scars.
What are the Disadvantages of the Precice 2 Intramedullary Limb Lengthening Technique?
Its cost is higher than other methods.
Since the weight-bearing capacity of the nail is limited, it is necessary to use a wheelchair during the extension.
With this process achieved at the end of the treatment, we recommend that you prepare for shopping to renew your wardrobe.

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